Bank Name | : | Punjab National Bank |
Branch Name | : | Rjahi Branch, Nandanagar, Gorakhpur -273008 |
Address of Bank | : | Nandanagar,Gorakhpur, UP, -273008 |
Telephone no. of Bank | : | 0551 227 3185 |
Account type (S.B. Account/ current of any other) | : | Saving account |
Account Number (as appears on the Cheque Book) | : | 1578000100183677 |
MICR No. (9-digit code number of the bank and Branch appears on the cheque on cheques issued by the bank) | : | 273024004 |
IFSC Code | : | PUNB0157800 |
Operating Authority | : | Secretary and Treasurer |
Name of the contact person designation, address and contact number | : | Reeta
House Number 42-M, Nayagaon, Nandanagar,
Kunaraghat, Gorkahpur, Uttar Pradesh (273008)
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